If You Want To Really Love…

If You Want To Really Love

Hello, I’m your host Kristine and welcome to Woo Myung Cast, where you can listen to Great Teacher Woo Myung’s words of wisdom.

Today’s story is called If You Want To Really Love…


Someone said that humans were born to love. It sounds right. Half of the world’s population is male and another half is female. Correct? Just for the reason that genders are different, they love each other and they have a relationship or marry and have children. In some ways, love plays a very big role in one’s life. More than 90% of lyrics – from oldies to modern hip hop and pop songs – are all about love. Falling in love, meeting each other, breaking up and experiencing the pain of breaking up are all expressed through songs. It seems that humans are born to love. So many people have been researching about real love from the past. Then, what is proper love? What is real love and what is truthful, unchanging love?

To speak of a conclusion first, real love is possible when there is no self. If you have a girl/boyfriend or a spouse, ask yourself. Can you really love that person? Can you embrace and accept all faults of that person in any circumstance? It is usually said in a marriage proposal or ceremony. When people propose, they seem to give and do everything for their lovers. However, human mind changes as time goes by. They start to fight and become selfish.

Being selfless means that there is no mind that you call yourself. Take a very easy example: nature. The sun unconditionally burns itself to illuminate the world brightly for everything and being in the world. Trees are the same, too. Trees purify air and provide cool shades to people without any return. Although we have not done anything for the sun or trees, they just stay where they always are and exist for others, without the mind that they are doing so.

There is a famous storybook, The Giving Tree. There was a tree and a boy who were best friends. Whenever he had difficulties, the boy went to the tree and whined about his problem and the tree would listen to him. When the boy got old and wanted to earn money, the tree said that if he cuts it and makes firewood, he would earn a lot of money. The tree gave its body to him so that he could earn money. When the boy became an old man and came back to the tree, the tree welcomed him and told him to take a rest on its stump. Can any human do something for someone else selflessly like the giving tree? Probably no one would be able to do so and some would even get angry and argue why they should sacrifice.

However, real love is when you give everything without the self. It is not important whether a counterpart loves you or not. Selfless people only exist for someone else and give everything of them. Moreover, they do not even have the mind of having given. How great is it? If such people live in the world for real, the world would be a much better place.

From now on, I hope everyone has real love. How to have real love is very simple. It is to eliminate the mind that you call yourself. Although you want to eliminate it, if you don’t have a method, you cannot do it. However, the method has come to the world. Everyone becomes the mind of nature, exists for one another and lives for others. Then people can know true love. It is possible when there is no mind that you call yourself – selfish mind. The generation of only speaking about it has passed. Now, you really need to eliminate that mind for real and you yourself must become the nature itself. Let’s meditate diligently and become the existence that can give everything for all, for the world.

To conclude, let me introduce a writing of teacher Woo Myung, a real teacher of the generation who has been devoting his entire life to wish everyone in the world could be enlightened to the truth and live happily forever since he became the truth.

This is called True Love.

True Love

Love each other

Love means

To accept everything

To accept everything without judgment

Acceptance is

To embrace

Acceptance is

To see as it is, to live as it is and to exist as it is

Discernment of what is what

Derives from the human mind

And exists because of one’s own conceptions

That is one’s false mind

Everything in the universe is already enlightened

Everything in the universe is already living

Only humans do not know this

Only humans have self

Love is to accept

Love is to have no judgment

One can love only when he is the Creator’s mind

One can love only when he is the Great Soul and Spirit of Truth

One can love

Only when his mind is that of Truth and free from his self

True love is only possible for one who has the biggest mind

True love is only possible for the living

Who are reborn as the soul and spirit of Truth

Only Truth can love

True love of the enemy is only possible

When one becomes Truth

Love is to see as it is since you are Truth and without self

True love is

Not to make judgments

Not to have discernment

Great nature gives food and light from the sun

Blows wind and gives water

Without the mind that it has given

That great nature is Truth, love

True love does without the mind of doing

True love is unconditional

A love that is without expectations

True love is the law of nature itself

True love is great

True love does not have a mind of its own

But it is nature’s mind, the Creator’s mind

It is the mind that accepts everything

The mind which exists but is non-existent

It is the mind that sees things as they are without judgment

From teacher Woo Myung’s book, The Way To Become A Person In Heaven While Living


We hope you enjoyed today’s insightful poem by Great Teacher Woo Myung.

Thank you for listening and please show in us next time on Woo Myung Cast where the more you listen to Great Teacher Woo Myung’s writings, the more you gain wisdom. This Woo Myung Cast is sponsored by Maum USA. If you would like to learn more about Great Teacher Woo Myung, please visit Woomyung.org.