

Following the passage of time

The world, the rivers, the mountains, and I, change.

Before fleeting human life existed,

The world existed,

As did the original world that brought forth the world.


The original world always just existed,

Just as it is, without change,

From before the beginning and until an eternity afterward,

Regardless of man’s existence.

But man who lives within the years

Passes away with the years.

From ancient times many spoke of life’s transience –

That it is like a drifting cloud,

A floating weed;

That human life truly does not exist.

But no one knew what this meant.


Now that I have entered into the season of becoming Truth

I know that human life is futile;

That the life man lives simply passes away in this world.

Now that I have become Truth and I know Truth,

I know that what the elders said of human life is true –

Man is unable to become one with the world;

He engraves the world in his mind

And inside that world, he lives as an illusion.

His life is just a picture.


Many people risk their lives to succeed

In this false and meaningless life,

But this is one’s own mind.

It is when one’s mind has become the mind of Truth

That he does not live in the false world but in the true world.

It was not possible to know Truth.

Because no one knew or had become Truth.

However, the time to enter into the season has now come:

To enter into the season is to become Truth,

And that time is now.


– Woo Myung