Woo Myung Cast

You Will Never Be Able To Find Truth If You Search For It In Your Own Conceptions


Truth is a never-changing, living existence

that man cannot see.

People have their own ideas of what Truth is,

but those fabrications of Truth will never exist.

People search for Truth, but they search for

the truth that is of their own fixed conceptions,

which is why they do not know Truth.

We must search for Truth and become it so that we may

become complete,

not die,

and live forever.

The basis of every religion is the idea of Truth,

which is what believers read and hear about.

However, Truth cannot be seen with the eyes of man,

nor heard with his ears,

which is why people have different views of it.

Truth is inside you;

it is inside only those who have it.

In other words, you can only attain Truth

when you have it in your mind.

Those who have demons in their minds

act in demon-like ways,

while those who have Truth in their minds

do acts that are of Truth.

The place where

one is able to cleanse one’s mind and become complete

is the place where one must stay

and continue cleansing one’s mind.

At the end of the day,

one must reach completion itself

and find God and Buddha,

or in other words, Truth.

That a savior will appear and make you Truth

when you already have Truth inside you

means this savior will only teach you how.

In other words, actually becoming Truth is something

a person must do himself.

Some think that an ambiguous being will appear to save them,

but such an unrealistic idea is due to

their ignorance of what this actually means,

which is why they continue to live in this delusion.

One must discard one’s self

so that one may become Truth.

In other words, the place one will go to

after having cleansed one’s mind

is Heaven,

and one will thus have eternal life.

From The Living Eternal World